| Reinstate
‘Sovereign Credit’ as per the original charter of the Commonwealth
Bank of 1912 so as
the Federal Government can issue the necessary low cost credit for
industry, housing and, where required, debt free credit for public works
| Total
re-regulation of the private banking sectors, so as the Federal Government
controls the
issue of ‘Credit’ for the benefit of all Australians
| Protect
and revitalise Australia’s Industry by halting tariff reductions and
where necessary
reinstate prudently
| Implement
a moratorium on domestic and foreign bank debts
| An
immediate halt to the sale of all Australian owned public utilities and
assets, and
introduce policies to rescind foreign ownership of all such entities
already privatised and
restore rightful ownership to the control of the Australian people
| Restore
public services such as health, education, energy and water supplies so as no
Australian is disadvantaged
| Guaranteed
minimum income and guaranteed minimum price scheme to ensure a safety net
all Australians
| Create
co-operative marketing and distribution agencies, with parity pricing for
primary produce
... under the control of the producers
| Immediately
review of all international covenants and treaties signed and ratified by
non-elected bureaucrats or politicians, without approval of Australian
| Seek
and co-operate with like-minded organisations and individuals